Monday 22 September 2008

My interpritation of experimental media

To me experimental media means to challenge the traditional conventions of media.

To find new interesting and unusual ways to present media to the public, in film this can mean shorts that are used to challenge people’s perception of things like art or the media today. Also using new and unusual techniques like montage in photography when creating pictures and challenging the modern consensus of what photography should be. Every so often someone will come up with a new technique for film or photography - as these are the most common areas that experimental media is used - and this will be adopted by various other photographers or directors in there work, until a new more 'edgy' technique is found. In this sense media is the same as many other industries trying to keep up or get ahead of the latest trends or technology.
In previous projects we have done photo montage this was a way of using experimental media by using diffrent aspects of lots of diffrent images you can combine that to create a new image. Looking at the film industry there are lots of examples of experimental media, for instances channels that air projects from aspiring artists who try out all diffrent types of film like animation, stop - start animation. Good examples of experimental media for me are Anime films, alot of modern Anime uses unconventional methods to confront modern problems in an unusal setting.

For this project i expect to use this opportunity to challenge modern media and its concepts by using unusual techniques and innovative ideas.

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