Monday 22 September 2008

Brighton Pics, Boat Museum and The Pier

I found this image quite inspiring, it may not be a traditional seaside snap but it represents the seaside all the same it just has a more quaint country feel to it i think. I like the way it shows different textures in the pebbles, the wood and the rusted chains and the way its slightly over exposed is a good way to exaggerate the fact that's its a sunny day at the beach. I like the way i managed to capture the boat, you can just about make out the sea in the background, it was by coincidence that i managed to capture the man who was sat by the hut, at first i didn't even realise he was sat there but i think this really adds something to the picture even if it was accidental.
I like this picture because of the slightly washed out tone of it, again the image is slightly over exposed, i did this on purpose because the lighting wasn't that good and the first image i took came out slightly dark so i altered the shutter speed to let in more light. To me this picture is a perfect way to express Brighton beach on a nice day. If you where to say those words to most people 'Brighton beach' they would generally associate Brighton with the pier. I especially like the way the image seems to suck your attention into the background and that although the foreground is what stands out most and is the most obvious part of the image it does still have a strong background and your attention is also drawn to the bottom of the Pier and because there is a lot to look at it is able to hold the attention for quite a long time.

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