Monday 29 September 2008


I didn't really grasp the significance of this piece although i can appreciate the amount of time and effort that i know must have gone into it i personally didn't enjoy it, i thought it was fairly boring to watch (sorry but i really did) and struggled at times to pay attention this could be due to the fact that i didn't get it really i don't know. unfortunately i joined the viewing just after it had started so i missed who made it. throughout the piece you a swooped in over various different landscapes. then rushed hurtled through the city observing pedestrians and cars speeding along and rushing around oblivious to anything apart from whats going on in their own lives. at the end of the piece you watch a shuttle launch and then watch as a piece of the craft that separates from the main body of the ship is burnt up in the atmosphere and spirals back down to earth. this piece of the film is slowed down. i think its meant to symbolise the pattern of life in some way, that's the only meaning i could grasp from the piece other than that I'm not really sure.

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