Monday 29 September 2008

2nd review of experimental media

The second video i chose to comment and analyse was Robins. i found this video intriguing the concept really caught my attention although it was very unorthodox i think maybe that's why i like the piece so much. i think this piece involves both craft and concept although i do think concept is the stronger element behind this video. I'm not really sure what this video is supposed to represent but it gives me the idea of nightmares. they way the subject is almost trapped in various rooms and keeps ending up falling into the bed its reminds me of that panicky feeling that nightmares invoke that you cant escape and you feel as if your falling into a trap also the whispering voice that you hear (ex-diagetic) also helps add to that idea, especially at then end when the scene changes and the subject finds himself in the park in daylight and then you can even see the relief as he takes a deep breath out and feels free, because this to me symbolises the moment when you wake up and see familiar comforting things around you and you realise that it was just a nightmare and everything is going to be fine and that its over. I really like the idea of this piece a lot and it helped give me some good notions for my own piece although I'm still not 100% about what i want to do i have some good ideas.

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