Monday 29 September 2008

? Craft and Concept ?

What is craft? my definition of craft is the way something is made, the tools and techniques used when making either a piece of art or a movie or video, the work, effort and time put into that piece by either the artist or the director. a good example of this is an artist doing a painting this is a craft because he is making the art himself.

What is concept? my definition of concept is the idea behind the piece and the planning process coming up with an idea and then refining that idea into something that can be used to make either a piece of art or a film or video. art gives the best example of this quite often not things people have made will be called art because of the concept behind it like some one could pick up an ashtray filled with butts and call it art because it depicts the decay of modern society that person didn't make the cigarettes or the ash tray but they came up with the idea behind the piece.

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