Monday 29 September 2008

1001 nights

i thought this video was interesting to watch, a experimental video by Jananne Al-Ani which lasted for 6:12 minutes was a short film where 5 women talk about their different experiences in which i can only guess are instances of war, it did make me wonder because all the women in the video in my opinion looked to young to have been involved in such things except perhaps one, these women very much look like ordinary people that you might cross on the street on any given day but the experiences they talk about and describe seem to have been truly terrifying to think of yourself in such a position. I'm not quite sure what the aim of the piece was or is but it was interesting to listen to those 5 women talk of their ordeals. I wonder whether maybe that is the point and you are just meant to listen and then imagine what it must have been like to go through something like that and realise that it does happen to regular people. its certainly something different.

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