Thursday 16 October 2008

Chapters review

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)
Was the reaction different within the group? Does this matter? Is it important that we all have one interpretation?

Watching these videos I think people are bound to have different reactions because every individual is different and therefore will interpret things in different ways and bring there own ideas, experiences and conceptions to the piece. Among any given group of people these things will not be the same for everyone, for instance someone older wouldn't have such high expectations of the CGI used or animation because they aren't necessarily as technologically aware as the younger generation who will expect more from the special effects used having grown up with that type of standard. Someone older may be better able to appreciate The Girl Chewing Gum when a younger audience member is more likely to not find it that interesting. I think as long as the general concept is grasped in some way it doesn’t really matter whether people come to the exact same conclusion or that they react differently towards it, although pretty much everyone in our group was agreed on the ideas behind each piece in one way or another.
As to whether people will like the film or not it’s down to personal taste and preference as most things are. Some people will find it interesting or inspiring where other won’t really see much point in it at all.
I don’t think it’s important that we all have one interpretation like I said previously I think as long as the general meaning is conveyed and picked up on some way that its probably meant to be open to different interpretations.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Very long sentences break this up please, the content is good though.