Friday 10 October 2008

Chapters review

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)
How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

There is a distinct difference in technology between videos like doll face and The girl chewing gum the video for doll face is predominantly CGI where as the video for the girl chewing gum is all filmed in real time, but then if you was to compare the videos for 1001 nights and doll face both rely mostly on technology and in this aspect they are similar. Most of the more recent videos rely more on technology mostly because there are more techniques available now then there have ever been before and its very readily available and in most cases more convenient and means that there is not the need for such a large budget and a lot of the piece's are produced independently with less outside involvement. A lot of experimental piece's are now produced by the younger generation this also contributes to the fact that there is a lot more technology involved as the ' Mobile' Generation are more computer literate. Not only is the technology to make the products more available but the technology to view the piece is also, where as before you would have had to wait for the piece to be shown at maybe a cinema or on T.V or search it out, now its available on demand via the Internet. You can go onto the Internet and type 'experimental video' into a search engine and be presented with a plethora of videos whereas years ago that kind of technology wasent avalible.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Is it only the access to technology think about how you view these works i.e. Internet You tube etc?