Monday 13 October 2008

Chapters review

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)
Discuss the story line is it simple structure Beginning, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

All the videos we have watched so far have a narrative structure although some are more apparent than others. Most of the pieces we looked at run in narrative order with one exception, 1001 nights. With koyaanisqasti it’s harder to distinguish the guidelines of which part is the beginning middle or end but it still has that distinctive order. If it wasn’t in the order that it is in it would carry a completely different message to the one it has now as would most of the other pieces that we looked at. Most of this comes into consideration at the concept stage.
The only video you couldn’t really alter would be The Girl Chewing Gum because if you changed the order to it, it wouldn’t really work at all. With 1001 nights it differs because there are 5 short stories that run in order within one piece you could change the order of those pieces around but what ever way it was structured the meaning doesn’t really alter. I think if the peice is in narrative order we take it in a more convevtional way the way we percive it is more logical but if its presented to us in non narrative order it makes it makes it easier for us to take it out of context and look at it in a more uncoventional way and take our own meanings from it and interpret it more freely.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

You need to explain the effect that a traditional or non traditional narrative has on the way we, the audience take meaning from it.