Friday 24 October 2008

Treatment for my experimental video

Btec National Diploma In Media (Film and TV)




Charlotte Stanhope

Maximum 5 minutes


AUDIO: ex diagetic

It isn’t targeted at one specific audience, it’s for everyone to watch and take their own interpretations from it. And look at it in their own situations and let them bring there own ideas to it. It’s a basic concept that everyone should be able to pick up on in some way.

To look at the conception of modern beliefs, question and look at different things people turn to when trying to cope with despair and how they handle it. The extremes people will go to when in despair. To use one person to show the different spectrums of the situation.

One person to demonstrate both spectrums.

Thursday 16 October 2008

Doll Face Review

The film Doll Face was Created by Andrew Huang the short piece only lasts for 4:13minutes but makes a lasting impression.

Using mainly computer graphics and CGI it only really has to human elements that give it that link to reality. With a neutral and plain background of grey it gives out a very cold lifeless feel but uses strong imagery. With a human face on a mechanical spine and a television set being the only things to catch the eye it manages to keep you focused on the main area of the piece. This Video is very strong visually and conceptually and uses craft and concept in equal measure.
The sound track for this piece is very effective and fits very well, all the sound is daigetic apart from the music laid over the entire piece. I think the music really merges in well and unless you deliberately listen for it your conscious of the fact that its there but not aware of it.
I think the Premise of the video is that people are so focused on the media, and that to many people aspire to and try and copy what they see on the TV or in magazines and that the Media industry puts forward a distorted view that in actuality isn’t that easy to emulate.After watching Doll Face I had a few new ideas towards my own project and started wondering if I could maybe work a similar aspect of unrealistic perfection into my own video somehow it also made me consider maybe some form of animation

Chapters review

6. Audience, and audience interpretation of the work (200 Words)
Was the reaction different within the group? Does this matter? Is it important that we all have one interpretation?

Watching these videos I think people are bound to have different reactions because every individual is different and therefore will interpret things in different ways and bring there own ideas, experiences and conceptions to the piece. Among any given group of people these things will not be the same for everyone, for instance someone older wouldn't have such high expectations of the CGI used or animation because they aren't necessarily as technologically aware as the younger generation who will expect more from the special effects used having grown up with that type of standard. Someone older may be better able to appreciate The Girl Chewing Gum when a younger audience member is more likely to not find it that interesting. I think as long as the general concept is grasped in some way it doesn’t really matter whether people come to the exact same conclusion or that they react differently towards it, although pretty much everyone in our group was agreed on the ideas behind each piece in one way or another.
As to whether people will like the film or not it’s down to personal taste and preference as most things are. Some people will find it interesting or inspiring where other won’t really see much point in it at all.
I don’t think it’s important that we all have one interpretation like I said previously I think as long as the general meaning is conveyed and picked up on some way that its probably meant to be open to different interpretations.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

Chapters review

5. How these works might inspire your own work (100 Words)
Talk about your own ideas and how they may have been inspired by the work that you have seen.

I came up with a basic but very loose concept for my own piece in a very unconventional way, just from kneeling on the floor set of a chain reaction in my head of a small but workable idea after discussing my idea with my tutor I was able to expand upon and develop this idea into a workable concept for my piece the only video that really inspired me while watching it was the Telling Lies video of using text to highlight the underlying meaning and also watching the Video for doll face made me think more on my overall concept and the meaning behind my piece, apart from that there hasn’t really been anything I’ve seen that’s had a major impact on my ideas. Or given me any sense of a solid idea although I think my piece will be more concept based there will certainly be a lot of craft involved also. Although at the moment it’s still a working progress I think I have a pretty definite idea of what I’m going to do for my piece.

Monday 13 October 2008

Chapters review

3. Narrative and non-narrative structures (100 Words)
Discuss the story line is it simple structure Beginning, middle, end or is there a more complex or different structuring happening?

All the videos we have watched so far have a narrative structure although some are more apparent than others. Most of the pieces we looked at run in narrative order with one exception, 1001 nights. With koyaanisqasti it’s harder to distinguish the guidelines of which part is the beginning middle or end but it still has that distinctive order. If it wasn’t in the order that it is in it would carry a completely different message to the one it has now as would most of the other pieces that we looked at. Most of this comes into consideration at the concept stage.
The only video you couldn’t really alter would be The Girl Chewing Gum because if you changed the order to it, it wouldn’t really work at all. With 1001 nights it differs because there are 5 short stories that run in order within one piece you could change the order of those pieces around but what ever way it was structured the meaning doesn’t really alter. I think if the peice is in narrative order we take it in a more convevtional way the way we percive it is more logical but if its presented to us in non narrative order it makes it makes it easier for us to take it out of context and look at it in a more uncoventional way and take our own meanings from it and interpret it more freely.

Friday 10 October 2008

Chapters review

2. The use of technology and techniques and styles (100 Words)
How does the use of technology differ think about when they where made was the technology new then.

There is a distinct difference in technology between videos like doll face and The girl chewing gum the video for doll face is predominantly CGI where as the video for the girl chewing gum is all filmed in real time, but then if you was to compare the videos for 1001 nights and doll face both rely mostly on technology and in this aspect they are similar. Most of the more recent videos rely more on technology mostly because there are more techniques available now then there have ever been before and its very readily available and in most cases more convenient and means that there is not the need for such a large budget and a lot of the piece's are produced independently with less outside involvement. A lot of experimental piece's are now produced by the younger generation this also contributes to the fact that there is a lot more technology involved as the ' Mobile' Generation are more computer literate. Not only is the technology to make the products more available but the technology to view the piece is also, where as before you would have had to wait for the piece to be shown at maybe a cinema or on T.V or search it out, now its available on demand via the Internet. You can go onto the Internet and type 'experimental video' into a search engine and be presented with a plethora of videos whereas years ago that kind of technology wasent avalible.

Monday 6 October 2008

Chapters review

1. Discuss both past and current artists and works(200 words)
Discuss the artists you have looked at comparing general similarities and differences between them. Not your own opinions!

We have looked at several pieces for this assignment; the first experimental video we looked at was Koyaanisqasti, created by Godfrey Reggio in 1982. The second video we looked at was 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani made in 1998. The only similarities that can really be found between these two are in the concept, because they are very different pieces but with a similar idea behind both. Watching either you wouldn’t find anything to connect it to the other. The concept is similar because they both give you scenarios that you wouldn't necessarily expect and both centre on the idea of the world in a state of chaos although in 1001 and nights its a more literal interpretation when 5 Young women speak of experiences of war and in Koyaanisqsti its more a metaphorical message that comes across.
Other videos we watched are 'The Girl Chewing Gum' and 'Telling Lies' Both videos stand out as individual with unique concepts among the other videos we watched. The Girl Chewing Gum leads you into the idea that the piece is being directed as its filmed but it soon becomes apparent as birds fly across the scene on command that this isn't so, this piece is a good example of both concept and craft and its hard to say which one is the stronger element because the initial concept is very clever and strong but also there would have been a lot of effort and time put into the making of It as well, i would say the craft and concept for this piece are about equal.
Again the video Telling Lies is a unique and clever concept however this piece definitely relies more on concept because without the ability to grasp that concept by others this piece would have no foundation. It works primarily on the fact that people will often say one thing while thinking another whether that's to save feelings with little white lies or just to save ones own skin by covering up the truth, based around telephone conversations with various people we listen to the conversations being held while reading on a screen what the person speaking is actually thinking, although there is no doubting that a lot of time was taken to make the video the foundation and main structure for telling lies definitely resides in the concept.