Wednesday 10 December 2008

Istallation And Exhibition Space

My installation will be on Friday the 12th of December 2008 in T46 on the fourth floor.
It Will be open to the general public, basically anyone that wants to watch it can.

My viewing space will be a dark empty room with a projector, there will be Three chairs for people to sit on but they will be portioned from one another, also the room will be cold, this is to help impose a feeling of solitude and despair on the audience to help them better understand and empathize with the video, they will also have small faux candles to hold as in the video there is only one light source again this to help them bridge the connection between themselves and the video.

I think the space is relevant because it was the space I used to film in and also it’s a big room and will help demonstrate the feeling of being alone as I have already mentioned.

This is a plan of my layout; on the far left is the seating plan, three chairs separated by petitions and then a screen on the right where the video will be shown. I have used black and whit to illustrate the space as the room will be dark with no light save the light from the faux candles and the screen.

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