Wednesday 17 December 2008

Experimental Evaluation and Production Diary

Pre production.
The hardest thing for me during Pre Production was coming up with an idea for my experimental video. After I had a concrete idea sorted the rest all sort of just fell together like a jigsaw puzzle. Writing a treatment with an outline of the plot then putting storyboards together. I used photographs for my storyboards as this was a lot easier than trying to draw out each shot, and unfortunately my drawing skills leave sum what to be desired.
For the animatics it was just a case of transferring the images onto a Mac and then editing the clips together which once id gotten used to the new software wasn’t an issue. I didn’t have to worry about creating a script as there was no dialogue in my piece, one less job for me.
There wasn’t really a lot of paperwork involved in this project for me. I filled out a shooting schedule but in true fashion I had to go back and change them more than once due to scheduling issues. But in the end everything worked out ok and I managed to get the footage I needed in one go. I only needed one call sheet and one risk assessment as I only used the one location, so this really meant I didn’t have to spend much time at all with paperwork which made a nice change and meant that I got to devote more time to filming and editing.

During production there were a few issues, at first I couldn’t find anyone to participate in the film, very kindly my LSO agreed and did a very good job at acting and was a complete lifesaver.
Another problem I encountered was getting the spot light so that it shone directly down on top of the subject nut I managed to overcome this by attaching the light differently to the stand, this however in turn raised the issue of light reflecting off the pole so we used a black curtain to cover the stand and the base of the light and got the subject to sit on the curtain which was spread out over the floor with her back to the pole. Although it was really only due to circumstance I think it gave a really good effect.
When it came to the actual filming I switched between ideas a lot. Initially I wanted to move around the subject with a camera in full circle, but I was worried about the quality of the video. So I came up with doing a kind of stop-start approach and then planned to edit it together later. However after talking to Chris we came up with the idea of improvising a dolly using a chair but I then learned that we had a dolly and Dan agreed that I could use it for filming. It then came to be an issue that I couldn’t film all the way around my subject in full circle because of the spot light so decided to start from one side filming round to the other and then back again in a semi circle motion this worked really well although at first the footage was a bit shaky and the dilly was a littler stiff so I did quite a few takes but I managed to come out of it with some really good footage.

Post Production.
I changed my idea about how to edit the video almost daily, my original plan was to edit around the circle switching between the two characters of drugs vs. religion, starting with extreme close-ups and gradually moving further away and speeding up to end finally of just two images of head on shots of each. The ending was pretty much the only idea I stuck with. I decided to edit using the three main elements with close-ups in-between and then ending on the gradual build up of the 4 significant close-ups building to a climax.
Instead of using movie maker I used final cut pro and learned how to use more advanced software, I struggled getting used to the program and it took me a while to get to grips with it but I managed all right in the end and managed to add effects and shading to my video and make it appear darker in places, overall I was happy with the end result. I also used garage band for the first time and had fun trying to find music that would fit in the end I used a very repetitive sound track that fit well with the video. From my original idea of Euphoria as a topic my experimental video changed drastically just through the production process alone really but it still turned out well and I was happy with the end product.

After finally coming up with a plan for my installation which originally was to have one person stood in a dark cold room in a small boxed marked out with tape on the floor to watch the video on their own, I then changed it to having three people sat in a blacked out room with partitions in between and a small faux candle to hold. however we were unable to make the room as dark as I would have liked which then came to me using the partitions to make to small box like spaces with a black blanket over the top for people to sit in and watch. Unfortunately I was ill the day I planned to do this and therefore was unable to so in the end I just used a dark cold room with rows of chairs in front of the projector.

I gave people that watched the installation questioners to fill out asking whether they liked the video, what they thought t meant and how they interpreted it. Everyone wrote that they liked the film.
Nearly everyone said they thought it was to do with drugs. I thought this was interesting although it was a feature in the video it wasn’t the main aspect, I think it says a lot about today’s culture that that was what stood out most.
A few people picked up on the fact that it was about depression and despair and ways of dealing with that so I do think the overall idea was apparent.
Everyone that watched commented on the music being repetitive and annoying, I was happy about this as it was actually what I had aimed for. Because it helped you identify more with the video and I think while watching the video with the music it actually made you feel quite depressed in a way which again was something everyone commented on feeling.

Overall there isent really anything i would change about my video. if i could do it again i would try and stick more with the orignal idea of Euphoria but I am really happy with what i got the footage came out really well and all the filming was smooth, and there was nothing i needed to re shoot which was a first i took my time with filming and it payed off . the only thing i would change if i could would be my exhibiton space i would stick to the plan and have the room set out how i orignally planned. in future i will allow more time for exhibiting work.

The Exhibiton

The exhibition i think overall went well, i managed to get the video shown, but i wasn't able to have the viewing space the way id planned which was disappointing.

I was pleased that the general reaction to the video was a good one, people seemed to enjoy it and a lot of people commented on the fact that it seemed to be really well filmed.

I got people to come and sit on chairs in a cold dark room and watch it on the projector, i was unable to black out the room i had planned to in the first place, we did attempt to but unfortunately it didn't work, and due to time issues it was easier and more convenient for me to get a larger group of people to watch it in the one go.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Istallation And Exhibition Space

My installation will be on Friday the 12th of December 2008 in T46 on the fourth floor.
It Will be open to the general public, basically anyone that wants to watch it can.

My viewing space will be a dark empty room with a projector, there will be Three chairs for people to sit on but they will be portioned from one another, also the room will be cold, this is to help impose a feeling of solitude and despair on the audience to help them better understand and empathize with the video, they will also have small faux candles to hold as in the video there is only one light source again this to help them bridge the connection between themselves and the video.

I think the space is relevant because it was the space I used to film in and also it’s a big room and will help demonstrate the feeling of being alone as I have already mentioned.

This is a plan of my layout; on the far left is the seating plan, three chairs separated by petitions and then a screen on the right where the video will be shown. I have used black and whit to illustrate the space as the room will be dark with no light save the light from the faux candles and the screen.